Dual Power Splitter Cable for JerryC COTI
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The splitter cable for JerryC COTI allows the user to power both the NVG and JerryC COTI from the same battery pack, reducing the number of power cables and power supplies on the helmet system. It is also a major improvement over the JerryC battery pack in terms of ease of use.
Please ensure the JerryC COTI is set to operate at 3V not 3.7V. For some reason the CE5 does not have a voltage adjustment mode and sometimes does not function properly. We are currently working on a new cable for the CE5. Please contacct us if you run into any issues.
The system is compatible with any NVG power supply with a Fischer connector such as the Argus USBP and the L3 CWBP.
Length: 22" to JerryC Plug, 19" to NVG plug
Manufactured in China