Trade up Program
All customers who previously purchased their complete binocular device from us are invited to trade up their housing to the NVG-ALPHA at a special loyal customer price of $1000 CAD, labour included.
We appreciate the support you've given us over the years and we love to see you enjoying our devices.

Nightvision Built in Canada
All of our devices are assembled in our positive pressure clean room utilizing HEPA certified filters and blowers meeting ISO 5 clean room filtration and circulation standards to ensure a dust free assembly environment. Our air blowers used for cleaning optical components use compressed, double filtered 99.999% dry Argon.
Calibration and collimation are performed using our Hoffman Engineering ANV-126A and HVS-126 Night Vision Digital Calibration System.
Waterproofing is ensured using our custom built precision nightvision vacuum digital test gauge, followed by a multi phase Argon purge using our digital vacuum purge test set.
We strive to bring the highest quality standards to our customers. Our nightvision devices are built and assembled in our specialized facility in Richmond Hill, Ontario.